Thursday, October 31, 2019

Technologies Contribute in High School Education Research Proposal

Technologies Contribute in High School Education - Research Proposal Example From the discussion it is clear that  today, many high schools do not have enough computers, this being a major shortcoming to the utter integration of technology in learning initiative; equally, the utilization of the resource available is to a minimum. In fact, top-level management sees no need of increasing the technology resources since the teachers or students put in a little effort in making use of the laptops and computers present; additionally, most of them make random excuses for this, the main being the aspect of time.According to the study findings  meaningfully, teachers’ abilities and awareness play a significant role in the depth at which the technology resources apply in the learning of high school students today. Most of the teachers, who have taught for a long time, are more reluctant to applying technology as compared to new recruits; mainly because of the advancements that are there in their training. All institutions and teachers require taking consider ation of technology as a factor of edification since most students show interest with most of them purchasing laptops and tablet computers that are clear indication that they are willing to use them.  The main objective is proposing ways to improve education and learning for high students through technology, and utilizing the available resources such as schools’ computers and students’ laptops. However, availing these resources is not enough and additional factors require consideration i.e. teachers skills and incentives to engage in the same.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mars Rover Essay Example for Free

Mars Rover Essay Thus the force of gravity on Mars is about one-third of that on Earth. Mars is probably the planet we know the most about since it is so close to Earth, though what we know now is not even close to everything about the planet. Over the past several decades, humans have been interested about life on mars. In 1877, Giovanni Schiaparelli, an Italian astronomer, was the first person to draw a map of Mars. His map showed a system of streaks or channels, which he called canali. In 1910, the U. S. astronomer Percival Lowell made observations of Mars and wrote a book. In his book, Lowell described Mars as a dying planet where the civilizations built an extensive network of canals to distribute water from the polar regions to the center of the planet. Mars was discovered by scientists in the 1600’s. Researchers descried a pale pink object that was only visible in the early morning just before dawn. The object moved closer to the stars, got brighter over the next year and rose earlier and earlier. Then it reversed direction. Mars was the third most brightest object in the night sky, it had an intense red color and could see all night long. After moving the opposite direction for about 70 days, it reversed direction again, and gradually got dimmer. It was only visible in the evening sky and set earlier and earlier. After another year it again was a pale pink object, this time only visible just after sunset. Shortly after that, it could not be visible at all. It remained unseen for about one hundred days when the cycle began again. Each cycle took a little over two years. Scientists believed that water may have existed on the planet Mars. The total journey time from Earth to Mars takes between 150-300 days epending on the speed of the launch, the alignment of Earth and Mars, and the length of the journey the spacecraft takes to reach its target. We would need food, waste disposal, oxygen, and the matter of getting back to earth. Another reason we wouldnt send humans to mars dont know how our body would react to mars atmosphere. Mars doesnt have a magnetic field, such as earth, our planet blocks it out. If a human went to mars for a period of time there is a 40% chance they would come back with cancer. So at this time rovers are our best option. The first rover ever sent mars was in 1962 called Mariner 3. The rover never landed on mars it was a flyby which means it only took pictures of the planet while in obit. In 1965 Mariner 4 took more pictures. In 1969, flybys ended and NASA came up with spacecrafts. Mariner 9 was the first rover to take pictures of the entire surface of Mars when it landed in 1972. In the mid 70’s, they launched Viking 1 and 2, they were the first to discover ultraviolet radiation with dry soil and oxidizing nature preventing organisms from forming. The cost, to build a rover is about 2. 7 billion dollars, for us to send over humans the cost is twice as much. Sojourner, which launched in 1996 and landed in 1997, was part of the Mars Pathfinder Mission. The itty-bitty rover weighed in at 23 pounds. It was 26 inches long, 19 inches wide, and 12 inches tall. In 83 Martian days of operation, Sojourner never ventured more than 40 feet away from its lander, and its odometer for the whole trip read onl y about 330 feet. The rover snapped 550 photographs and performed tests on a rock named Yogi. In 2001 NASA discovered ice when the spacecraft Odyssey orbited Mars and took pictures. What Spirit and Opportunity found was a credit to the technology that allowed them to explore Mars. Within a couple months of landing, the Opportunity uncovered evidence of saltwater, which leaves open the possibility that life (and fossil indications) might at one time have existed on the planet. Spirit stumbled across rocks that pointed to an earlier, unrulier Mars that was marked by impacts, explosive volcanism and subsurface water [source: NASA Mars]. Water is key because almost everywhere we find water on Earth we find life, NASAs Web site. However, we are still unsure life existed on Mars. The rover Curiosity, finally landed on mars August 6, 2012, it was launched November 26, 2011. Before NASA could be launched Curiosity, the rover it had to go through series of test, drop tests, pull test, drive test, load test, stress tests, and shorting tests. So scientists had to realize that Earth and Mars revolve around the sun at different rates meaning it takes Mars 686 earths days and the Earth 365 days. They did to figure out when Mars was closest to Earth. Curiosity was launched from Cape Canaveral. Stage one, it reaches space and the tip of the cone opens and fall off. During the second stage, a centuar engine starts placing the vehicle into obit. When everything is alined the second engine starts to bring it to mars. Once Curiosity is on Mars it will do tasks such as collecting rock, soil sampling and placing them on instruments in order to be analyzed. What goes into the rover (Siceloff, Steven. Mars Rover Well-Equipped for Studies. NASAs John F. Kennedy Space Center. Nov. 22, 2011. (Dec. 9, 2011) http://www. nasa. gov/mission_pages/msl/launch/mslprelaunchfeature. html): A miniaturized gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer will separate and analyze chemical compounds in samples. A tunable laser spectrometer will look for organic (carbon-containing) compounds and determine the ratio of key isotopes both vital to unlocking Marss atmospheric and aquatic past. CheMin, an X-ray diffraction and fluorescence instrument, will measure the bulk composition of samples and detect their constituent minerals. Located on the rover arm, the Mars Hand Lens Imager will photograph rocks, soil and, if present, ice in extreme close-up. This uber-camera can spot details thinner than a human hair or focus on objects more than an arms length away. The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer for Mars Science Laboratory, also located on the arm, will figure out the relative amounts of various elements present in Martian rocks and soils. Curiositys neck, or mast, is also decked out in instrumentation: The Mars Science Laboratory Mast Camera (MSLMC), attached at human-eye height, will help the rover navigate and record its surroundings in high-resolution stereo and color stills or high-definition video. The MSLMC can view materials collected or treated by the arm. Stereo hazard-avoidance cameras located further down the mast will aid the rovers navigation. Another mast-mounted instrument, ChemCam, will vaporize thin layers of material up to 30 feet (9 meters) away using laser pulses, then analyze them with its spectrometer. Its telescope can capture images of the beams target area. The Radiation Assessment Detector will monitor surface radiation levels. The Rover Environmental Monitoring Station will take readings of atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity and wind, as well as levels of ultraviolet radiation. The Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons instrument can detect hydrogen a potential indicator of ice or water trapped in minerals up to 3 feet (1 meter) beneath the surface. Earthlings have long been fascinated by the planet Mars. Well before modern science fiction speculated about advanced civilizations upon Mars, the red planet was regarded as a malevolent agent of war, pestilence, and apocalyptic disaster inhabited with little green men. For untold millennia prior to scientific astronomy and well before there were any records which could properly be called historical, human beings recounted myths surrounding their favorite heroes and gods about Mars. It wasn’t until the 17th century when Mars was first discovered by scientists that we began to understand the red planet. The first rover sent to Mars was in 1962. The first successful mission was the 1964 trip by the Mariner 4, a United States craft that returned 21 images of the planet. In 1969 the flybys ended and In 1972 pictures were taken of the planets surface by the rover Mariner 9. Viking 1 and 2, which launched in the mid-70s, both had landers that descended to the surface of Mars. In 2003, the Mars Exploration Rover mission team launched Spirit and Opportunity, one of which was still traversing the planet as 2011 ended. Which leads us to Curiosity and 2012. Curiosity, previously known as the Mars Science Laboratory weighs 2000 pounds and has a planned mission duration of 23 Earth months, which it could exceed by quite some time, based on NASAs experience with the Spirit and Opportunity rovers. True to its old name (Mars Science Laboratory), Curiosity is packed with instruments as mentioned above. Who knows what our curiosity will lead to. Hopefully, life.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Toomer Challenges Racial Identity English Literature Essay

Toomer Challenges Racial Identity English Literature Essay Karintha, reapers and November cotton flowers, all have similar settings in rural Georgia which is located in the south where we see a lot of racism going on. The south for black Americans functioned as a site for trauma as well as a symbolic reference for their homeland. It is also a symbolic connection between slavery and sexualized black women. Its is all embedded in Toomers quest for racial identity as a mulatto. Toomer tries to represent the black womans sexuality as an act of sexual union scarred by traumatic history by depicting Karintha as an innocent prostitute. The book cane is regarded as a passing era associated with the trauma of slavery. Toomer was trying to create a connection between racial and cultural continuity generated by modernity to the regulation of black female desire. The major theme in this story which is death and sex relate to the Black American historical content of slavery and lynching. We see that in Cane, Toomer uses nature to describe the bodies of t he black females but nearly all the females are either tortured or violated in the rural settings which projects displacement of nature. The haunting rhythm of folk songs in the rural landscape draws attention to the women who are objects of male desire and transforms this women into lost objects. Toomer portrays the gender issues and social barriers that hindered black women. Her skin is like dust on the eastern horizonwhen the sun goes down (page 5). This description Toomer gives of karintha as dusk shows that what she represents is fading away. Karintha introduces the themes of movement in life and death that reoccur in the book Cane. The interest of men, who wishes to ripen a growing thing too soonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (page5) shows that men hastened her sexual development. Karintha represents the folks spirit that is fading away due to modernity in the south, she is over sexualized and that means that black men still have urges to be reconnected with the past. In Reapers, we see major racial themes here; the idea of slavery takes major precedence in ones mind when we start reading the poem. Toomer lays emphasis on the word black (Page 7) used to describe the black Americans that were slaves at that time in the south. The reapers were tied to a life of monotonous work. The introduction of the mower disrupts the peace in the cultivation of the weeds and brings war; this brings out the theme of racism, where there is constant social war between the colored and the white. The poem Reapers is suggestive of Black field laborers in the early 20th Century. Toomer also tries to depict the problem of racial economic inequalities that were also present in the south at that time. The word continue (page7) connotes the constant labor the black male did in the fields. We also have a view on how in the early 20th century, black males who had their lands would have to work and pay a certain amount back to the whites thereby leaving them with little profit . All their turmoil and hard work was always in vain. We also see an introduction to violence that emerges with the blood-stained scythe that has cut a rat in the poem, an issue that Toomer readdresses later in cane. November cotton flower is another poem that ensues after Reapers, the poem talks about environment in the south were we all know was difficult for the colored skin at that point in time. The poem describes how the cotton flowers survived the harsh south weather and still strived through the hard times it went through. We see Toomer use the idea of racial identity, he uses the images of scarcity, drought and death to express the black race during the time the poem was written. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Brown eyes that loved without a trace of fear, Beauty so sudden for that time of year. (Page 8) Toomer depicts the sudden urge that the African American race have to fight against racism. The description of a hope for the cotton flower shows that Toomer believes there is hope for the African American; he tries to create a link between the oppression of race to the growing of a cotton flower. In Cane, Toomer tries to create a hybrid structure, where we see a combination of short stories and poems. Karintha, Reapers, and November cotton flowers portray death, labor, racial identity and racism which portray major themes in the book cane as a whole. The book cane is designed in a circle, Toomer starts from the south up into the north and back into the southern regions again. Since, Karintha, Reapers, and November cotton flowers are the first three consecutive pieces in the book Cane, Toomer gives us a shadow or a hint of what is to proceed in other poems and stories in the book. The three pieces are set in the rural south where a lot of racial identity is taking place, the description of Karintha as a November cotton flower, also gives us an imagery of how the south and its environment looked at that point in time. In karintha, Toomer describes her as an innocent prostitute who men constantly came to for gratification of their sexual desires just to fend a living for herself. Toomer reechoes the themes labor and economic inequalities also found in the poem Reapers and November cotton flower. Blood-stained, continue cutting weeds and shade (page 7) shows how the African Americans in the south had to continually labor to fend for themselves and family. In the south, the blacks grew cotton for a living but in November cotton flower, they had turmoil but seen no rewards of their labor, the natural resources were depleted thereby leaving the fields empty. And cotton scarce as any southern snow (page 8) Toomers cane is compiled of encounters with both blacks and white and black. In Karintha, we see encounters between blacks and white. Karintha was a black woman who was sexually appealing to both the white and black men in her community. However, in Reapers and November cotton flower we see the opposite of such encounters. Even though white men are attracted to karintha, in Reapers, and November cotton flowers, we see that they belittle the dusk skin color and subject them to a life of constant labor. Toomer also paints the theme death in these three consecutive pieces that start the book cane, as it would also be discussed in the other poems and stories that followed. In karintha, we see towards the ending that she mysteriously has a child who dies, Toomer likens the death to smokes that curl up in the community. Furthermore, Toomer uses animals in Reapers and November cotton flowers to signify death. In reapers, And there a field rat, startled squealing bleeds, (page7) Shows the black reaper slays the rat and leaves it bleeding without offering any sympathy to it. Toomer also describes the features of a dead land in November cotton flowers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦dead birds were found (page 8). Toomers description of Karintha as a November Cotton flower shows the idea of double consciousness because karintha was depicted by Toomer as a violent child who was mischievous and always stoning the cow, yet the preacher convinced himself that there was nothing wrong in her acts and regarded her as a November cotton flower. Toomer tries to portray how the whites thought their maltreatment of the blacks were justified and lawful. Which, is also the same thing seen in Reapers when the reaper refuses to acknowledge the fact that he had hurt the rat. The introduction of the mowers by Toomer in the reapers also signifies the birth of modernism and the new Negro movements, which, is also repeated in November cotton flowers when the cotton flowers begins to unexpectedly grow and the blacks see a hopeful future after the death of karinthas child which signifies the death of the old negro and old cultural style because as soon as Toomer transitions to the rural setting, the folk song setting seems to vanish. Jean Toomers cane is a book that takes into cognizance, the lives lived by Negros at that particular era and his work was considered as the New Negro art that led other black poets or writers to write other books in that light.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Shoeless Joe :: essays research papers

Reviewing a TV show or movie The Simpsons is undeniably the best show to ever be shown on television. Every episode is a timeless classic, subtle Simpson’s humor and doesn't depend on common jokes that so many rip-off cartoon shows and sitcoms use today. It is original, and no other show can ever top its humor. The characters are all amazingly funny and they always think of the most surprising and hilarious things to say. The Simpsons is one of the few shows that have managed to retain its popularity over the years. Bart pulls a prank at church, resulting in a punishment for himself and Milhouse. They have a conversation about it, and Bart tells Milhouse that he does not believe in souls. To prove it, he sells his soul to Milhouse for $5, well actually; he sells him a piece of paper with "Bart Simpson's soul" written on it. He notices that animals are afraid of him and automatic doors don't recognize him. Bart continues to notice that he is different. He loses his ability to laugh at senseless violence. He tries unsuccessfully to get his soul back from Milhouse. Bart has nightmares, so he goes on to beg for Milhouse's help. Milhouse does not have the soul anymore; he sold it to Comic Book Guy, who then sold it to an unnamed person. Bart is relieved to discover it is Lisa, and she gives him back his soul. Bart is back to normal, metaphysically. A major reason why it’s maintained its popularity is because of its overall quality. While other cartoons and sitcoms center on vulgar themes and pathetic plot-lines, The Simpsons is able to shine far above the rest with its hilarious plots, and good messages. We all know it’s impossible to sell your soul, but that’s the creativity. At the end of the episode Bart learns the true meaning of having a soul and respecting the church. The Simpsons is a ride through a fantasy society, which mock very human trait. Beer is drunk in every episode, bad habits are given into, ignorance and disdain to normal people, but somehow, everyone gets along in the end. Some features can be irritating, such as the portrayal of women, it’s always the mother and sister who are working hard and very intelligent, and the men are laid back with no worry. It also discriminates against Indians like Apu the kwiki- mart owner.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Catch 22 By: Joseph Heller Essay

Catch 22 has many scenes of violence in it that helps to contribute to the meaning of the complete work. The first scene of violence that helps portray the complete meaning of the novel is Kid Sampson being cut in half by McWatt while flying his plane too low to the ground. The second scene of violence was when Yossarian broke Nately’s nose on Thanksgiving while some men were playing around with the machine gun. And finally the last example of violence in Catch 22 the help contributes to the meaning of the novel is Milo Minderbinder making a contract with the Germans to have him fire on his own unit to help the syndicate. These scenes give a good idea on how the violence of Catch 22 contributes to the meaning of the complete work of the novel and shows the importance of the violence to the novel. The first scene of violence that helps portray the meaning the novel Catch 22 is McWatt accidently killing Kid Sampson on the beach. McWatt was flying way too low to the ground like he does all of the time and flew over the beach. Then he went right at Kid Sampson and then sliced him to pieces with the blade of his ship. Kid Sampson was at the beach with everyone else and he was standing on a raft when he got hit by the plane. McWatt was on a training flight with two new pilots showing them how to fly when it happened. They parachuted out of the plane and he rode it into the side of a mountain. Everyone thought Doc Daneeka died in the plane accident becasue McWatt put Doc Daneeka name down for flight hours but he was really on the ground with everyone else. Yossarian warns him about flying so low but he still decides to fly low to the ground. Colonel Cathcart is so devastated about what happened he made the missions go up even more than it was before. This is how McWatt accidently ki lling Kid Sampson is important to the novel. The second scene of violence in Catch 22 is Yossarian breaking Nately’s nose on Thanksgiving when Nately tried to stop Yossarian from shooting the guys firing the machine gun at the base. Then Nately told his whore and she hated Yossarian for that. When Nately got killed in the disastrous crash on the La Spezia mission with Dobbs, Yossarian decides to go to Rome and tell her what happened to Nately. When he was there, she tired to kill and was throwing  stuff at him. Then she keeps following him around wherever he went. She was in the plane when it landed and she was at the base. Then she jumped out of a bush after he got out of the Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn office. They were discussing sending home Yossarian and about giving him a medal. But she stabbed him and he had to go to the hospital. This is why Yossarian breaking Nately’s nose on Thanksgiving was important to the story. The last major scene of violence in Catch 22 that was important to the novel had to do with Milo and the M &M Enterprises is in the business for finding the best deals and trading to make a profit for the syndicate. His only failure was buying Egyptian cotton was going to ruin his business because he can’t sell it. He made a deal with the Germans who by the way were the enemies of America in the war. The deal stated that he had to bomb his own outfit and many of his own men were hurt during this. Milo even decided it was best for him to tip off the Germans during a surprise attack by the Americans. But instead of getting punishes for shooting his own unit the public celebrates all of his profits he made. His explanation for playing for both sides was if it benefits the syndicate it benefits the men and it is worth taking a risk for. Then he decides he wants to fly more missions because he has only seven but Colonel Cathcart makes him agree to have the men fly his missions for him. This is the cause for more un needed deaths in the novel. This is how Milos bombing his own unite helps show how violent scenes are important to the novel. Throughout the novel Catch 22 there are many scenes of violence. These violent scenes help to contribute to t he meaning of the book. The first scene was when Yossarian broke Nately’s nose during the Thanksgiving celebration which causes Nately’s whore to hate him. The second scene of violence that contributed to the meaning of the book was when McWatt Killed Kid Sampson with his airplane. And finally the last scene was when Milo started shooting at his own unit after making a deal whit the Germans. This is how these scenes help to contribute to the whole meaning of Catch 22.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Evaluate The Different Approaches To Management Used Within Siemens

Evaluate The Different Approaches To Management Used Within Siemens Evaluate The Different Approaches To Management Used Within Siemens And A Different Organization – Case Study Example Management within Siemens Management within Siemens Mobile phone companies have been in the rise over the past couple of decades. One of the most common companies in Siemens and the company has been on the rise in a manner that it has threatened other companies in the industry. The management strategy incorporated by the company has had competing effectively against other companies such as Motorola. As opposed to Motorola, Siemens has incorporated all four processes of management. One of the models incorporated by the company is introducing the human relations model. This model involves the company looking out for both the human resource and the customers. The company does this by the creation of forums where it offers the human resource with advice on how to improve their careers (Samuels, 2013). A company such as Motorola does not have such a forum and thus the reason why it does not succeed as well as Siemens. The rational model is another strategy introduced by the company. Throu gh this model, the company has held important meetings where it identifies its weaknesses and then proceeds to go through the planning process in order to eliminate the problem. This is done communally and is different when compared to the manner in which Motorola handles its problems where it is the C.E.O who has the responsibility of resolving the problems.Open systems involve Siemens relating effectively with the outside environment, commonly the customers where it associates and seeks to understand their views on the company’s gadgets (Samuels, 2013). This is effective for the company gets to understand the needs of the customers that is different from Motorola that does not bother understanding needs of the customers as much. The internal systems of the company are other factors to review where there is an effective communication process between different levels of management within Siemens organization. However, Motorola does not have an elaborate communication system w here it thus becomes difficult for important information to reach the target departments. BibliographySamuels, D. (2013). Creating a high performance culture: a Siemens Case Study. Web culture/introduction.html#axzz395AVFeqT